Thursday 28 February 2013

                                      DO YOU KNOW?????????/

There is a peculiar  genetic disorder called 'PRADER WILI SYNDROME' in this disease there is an abnormal apetitte for eating food & brain loses it's control to say stop.A 7 year old kid suffering from this disease may weigh near 60 kg,if not controlled it may lead to death....................

Monday 18 February 2013

                                         WHAT IS LIFE?WHEN DID IT START?

These questions delineate one of the greatest mysteries with which we r confronted with when we try to understand the universe of which we r a part. according to the religious teachings of babylon ,china , egypt or india appearance of life is due to creative act of god,according to THALES living being originted from sea slime.XENOPHANE told organisms originated from earth & water.

Though the above explanations r too philosophical real scientific xplanation of life started to come towards the end of 18th century.the most comprehensive of them is "THEORY OF PANSPERMIA" by H.HELMHOLTZ according to this theory life is actually extraterrestrial in nature & landed on this earth via meteorites,which was not accepted because it is impossible for a life to exist at that high temperature.then came the "THEORY OF BIOCHEMICAL EVOLUTION" by OPARIN & HALDANE.this theory in short says life originated as cluster of different chemicals mainly CARBOHYDRATES,FAT & PROTEIN,which gradually guided themselves in a particular self existing pattern which we call today LIFE...............keep on following for more

Sunday 17 February 2013

                             RIGHT FROM CRADLE......
THE science of Biology holds its origin way back,far earlier than any other branch of science.In the beginning it was not classified as zoology,botany,physiology,genetics or biochemistry as we know today but it was a simple collection of observational beings r of 2 kinds motile or non-motile,life was considered as a chemical system guided by an invisible force(that force was discovered to be DNA decades after),reproduction was considered to b a random act of nature than a controlled physiological phenomenon.ARISTOTLE,THEOPHRASTUS, LAMARCK were a few of those great men who heralded the subject.their observational skills were really commendable  though it is true that due to lack of proper equipments they were not always able to reach accurate results.